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  • Writer's pictureLia playz


To the distant mother planet (4)

  ——The circular central hall that can accommodate nearly a thousand people gradually fills up, and all the members who are called here are looking at Mrs. Chen on the stage.

Mrs. Chen wore a dark blue suit today, and her hair, which was always in a rigorous bun, was loosened, making her image more gentle and intimate, complementing the gentle image of the blue planet on the light curtain behind her.

  —But her opening remarks were unexpectedly heavy.

   "In 2544, the Voyager set sail. In 2567, we departed from Laplante's ring, left the signal transmission range within our power, and left our hometown completely."

   "In fact, in the second year of our set sail, the home planet in a serious disaster has no one to answer our call anymore."

"We don’t know whether there are any compatriots surviving on the distant home planet, or whether the Voyager can reach the final destination, but we always bear in mind the heavy responsibility, and will not be shaken by the endless loneliness— we are the seeds of civilization, carrying the last light of hope, setting sail in the vast universe."

   There was thunderous applause in the hall.

She paused, and then said: "We have traveled in the universe for 137 years, 1.12 million light years. Passing through 232 galaxies, we have hovered over 56 asteroids. Stop, to this day, the spacecraft has rotated four generations of outstanding scientists and soldiers, and our scientific research results are also extremely brilliant— hether it is the Vangel force field, the Lundi's force field, the Lucia system, or the 'limitless' Plans and neuron machinery are milestone advances in human science."

She had a smile on her face: "Ten days ago, a large-scale nuclear accident broke out in the first area. Fortunately, under the full rescue of the sixth area, all 53 experimenters were out of danger. It is worth cheering for us that although the experiment was flawed due to improper operation at the end, the results are unquestionable— the third-generation nuclear fusion technology is completely mature, and we have entered the era of unlimited energy."

   After a short silence, the hall erupted with more enthusiastic applause.

  Mr. Lambert and his partners received a lot of surprising compliments: "It's incredible, you are amazing!"

Mrs. Chen waited for everyone to cheer before continuing: "Today, I had a long talk with the people in charge of various scientific research areas. Finally, we believe that the conditions for landing on a habitable planet and establishing a human base are ripe. And the military's opinion ——" She smiled, "We all know that the military can't wait."

   Everyone laughed kindly and looked at Marshal Sjoss who was sitting on the other side.

Marshal Sjoss was obviously in a very good mood, his expression was not as serious as other times, and he nodded to everyone who looked at him.

   After they laughed, they looked at Madam Chen, their gazes were different from when they first started.

   It was purely a surprise for the results of the first district, but this time it was both anticipating and anxious. In Mrs. Chen’s words just now, the next step of the "voyager" was revealed.

Sure enough, Mrs. Chen solemnly said: "Therefore, I formally initiate a vote here. If more than two-thirds of the Voyager members agree, then we will set sail again tomorrow, fly into the subspace, and move towards the nearest livable. Bring forward and make the first attempt to build a human base on an exoplanet."

People's communication bracelets light up, and the interface is projected in front of them.

   Ling Yi looked at the interface.

   Although his cognition of everything was blank when he woke up, he re-learned quickly. In just a dozen days, he could fully understand commonly used words.

   "Lin Si," he called Lin's name, "are the planets as good-looking as the earth?"

   Lin Si clicked "Agree" on his interface, and said to Ling Yi: "There is nothing on most planets."

   Ling Si tilted his head: "Then why should we go?"

   This is a difficult question to answer.

   Lin Si finally said: "Because the universe is too big, and we are very small."

   Ling Yi frowned, "The planets are also very small."

"But it can protect us," Lin Si explained to him. "We will encounter many dangers when sailing, like that black hole. But we can grow safely on a suitable planet and develop our science until there is one day we no longer fear any danger in the universe."

Ling Yi nodded and clicked agree.

   Lin Si looked at him.

  —— Lin Si is not actually a person who is good at expressing, and sometimes he can even be called a treasure of words, but whoever faces those beautiful eyes full of incomprehension will not bear the heart to keep him confused.

   The voting process was not long. It was over within ten minutes, and 98% of the people agreed.

The plan passed naturally, and they may be able to see the long-lost land in a short time.

   Madam Chen elaborated on the conditions they currently have, and the future of the spacecraft is undoubtedly very bright. In addition, she announced that there will be a grand celebration banquet for the first district tonight-to celebrate the opening of the era of unlimited energy.

After discussion was over, Lin Si took Ling Yi out of the central hall and went directly to the third area.

   Although he has a bad relationship with Marshal Sjoss, he is very familiar with the third district, because the experimental bodies of the two phases of "limitless" are all serving in the third district after the transformation, and Lin Si also needs to come here to obtain follow-up data. All aspects of the modified body's functions have been greatly improved, and it is not suitable for training with ordinary soldiers, so it has its own exclusive area.

Ling Yi looked at the environment here curiously.

   Like other areas, the third area is also made of silver-white metal materials. It has a wide hall, corridors and elevators extending in all directions, but the atmosphere here is more serious.

  The people passing by them wore black standard military uniforms, with badges representing military ranks on their shoulders, their backs were straight, equipped with weapons, and their faces were expressionless.

   Ling Yi asked him: "Does the third district study science like you do?"

   "They escort science," Lin Si replied, "It is the military's responsibility to cruise regularly, land on planets, mine resources, and ensure the safety of the spacecraft. After landing on the planet, their role will be even greater."

   Ling Yi then asked: "Am I going to do these things in the future?"

   "Your identity belongs to the military, but if you find other things you are more willing to do, I will try my best to fight for your freedom."

   Lin Si finished speaking to Ling Yi, thinking in his heart, to let a child grow up normally is far from being as simple as handing him over to the military for training every day.

He should also be exposed to all aspects of knowledge in order to make the choice of life direction— just like the school on earth can provide.

   Lin Si calculated that because the "limitless" project was blocked, according to his recent work arrangements, he could allocate a lot of time to this little guy.

Ling Yi was obediently led him to a metal gate that was at least five meters wide. On the top of the gate, there was a small sign with "limitless" written in a swash.

   The iris recognition system is turned on, and a message is displayed below.

   District 6, Lins, permission level SS, allowed to pass.

   There are seven levels of authority and confidentiality on the spacecraft. From D to SSS, the highest authority only belongs to Marshal Sjoss and Mrs. Chen, and the person in charge of an area such as Lin Si and Zheng Shu is one level lower.

   The metal gate slowly separated to the two sides, and a wide training field appeared in front of it, several times the size of the central hall. It was clearly divided into several areas, with many small landing ships and detectors parked on the edge.

   At this time, there are about two hundred people in all areas of the training ground in total.

   There was a lot of noise when the door opened. They all noticed Lin Si coming in.

The author has something to say:

Ah, I am ashamed of my shortness today.

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