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  • Writer's picturearuwu0103

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Mania The atmosphere is a bit embarrassing and tense. The big brother could only help in easing the atmosphere: "Why don't you... shake hands and make peace?" The younger brother moved his arm away from Hou Yu and replied coldly: "I don't want to shake hands with him." "Then my two brothers apologize to you." "No need to apologize." Sui Hou Yu finally raised his head to look at the big brother, then smiled slyly. "I'm just bored and found them to relieve my boredom." The smile was just right, and the big brother raised his eyebrows at him. After Hou Yu finished speaking, he walked out the alley, bypassing them. The night had fallen, and Hou Yu walked out from the dark alley to the brightly lit road. His body was surrounded by the shop's billboard lights, and the light and shadow on his body was very eye-catching. His fluffy hair, slender figure, and two long legs were particularly eye-catching. This figure is amazing enough. Think about that face again, it won’t be too hideous when hitting people, but unexpectedly… beautiful.    The big brother watched Hou Yu leaving, and when he disappeared in the alley, he looked back at his friend: "Can we stop picking up girls with this awkward method?" The little brother who saves people was not convinced, and rubbed the painful injuries on his body and said: "We are all brothers around us, there are no girls here, isn't it boring?"    After listening to this, the big brother twitched his lips and laughed: "What's wrong with lots of brothers? It's really not that self-sufficient. The content of future dates is to go with a partner to cut the skin, and then go to tie the string together. How is that romantic and special?"¹ The little brother rolled his eyes after hearing this: "What happens after cutting the skin? I'm getting goosebumps, why can't I get it back?" Big Brother pursed his mouth and didn't answer, and he suddenly felt that the topic was very weird and disgusting. Looking at the two friends again, they seemed to be beaten up very badly, but it wasn't too serious. It was understood that when Hou Yu started fighting, he had a sense of measure and didn't hit too hard. They were simple skin injuries, and there was nothing serious. Big Brother took them out of the alley and asked casually: "Have you eaten yet?" "Nope."    The three of them went to a nearby store together, and the lady boss greeted them warmly: "Oh, Hou Mo here?" After speaking, she looked at the two behind him and continued: "Xiao² Deng and Xiao Shen are here, too. Isn't it summer right now? This is the third?"³ The three people responded casually, and then they saw that the waitress was handing out the menu to someone and that someone was actually Hou Yu. Sui Hou Yu also looked up at them, and then continued to look down at the menu.    The world is really narrow when it comes to Yuanjia.³ Hou Yu looked through the menu and ordered a few more dishes. The lady boss wrote down and asked: "How many people are going to eat here?"

"Myself." "One person can't eat so much, our family has plenty of food, and three dishes should be enough." "It's okay, just get them." After Hou Yu finished, he returned the menu to the owner, and then leaned on the chair to play with his phone. Hou Yu clicked on the WeChat menu and saw that Ran Shu had sent him a voice message, so he clicked on it and heard a squeaky voice: "You, you, you really want to move out? Do I need to make arrangements for you? Come on? Really, I can't give you a house right now!" Ran Shu is a stutterer, or the most annoying kind of stutter. If someone is a stutterer in the second half, you can guess what he meant by listening to the first part, and there is no need for him to continue talking. Stuttering in the first paragraph really tests people's patience. You have to listen to the long prelude every time.    Hou Yu: "Can you send me a text next time?" Ran Shu quickly replied: "You, you, do you fucking dislike me? Typing and typing are hard." "I have trouble listening to you." Then, Hou Yu received a 57-second long voice message. Seeing the long time frame, he didn't want to listen to it anymore, so he put the phone directly on the table.    Don't look at Hou Mo and his friends right now, even though they came later, their food came up first, mainly because their dishes were simple. The owner is an aunt in her fifties. She has a loud voice and enthusiasm. She brought it up and introduced: "I just went to the backyard to pick the vegetables. I have not sprinkled any chemicals. There must be no problem. You can't keep eating like this. Thin and long body, Why don't you eat more?" What they call their third best dish is noodles in clear soup, steamed buns, and eggs. There is nothing else.    The three of them were eating pitifully, and in the meantime they saw Hou Yu's table kept serving food not far away. He ordered six dishes and three bowls of rice just for himself, and then started eating. The lady boss was quite busy, but she stopped after a while and stood aside, seeing Hou Yu eat with interest. This scene seemed to be like watching an eating broadcast. A person who looks so skinny without a trace of fat can eat so much, no idea how he does it.    Hou Mo looked at the clear soup and water in front of him, and then at the big fish and meat on the side of Sui Hou Yu, and suddenly felt a little bit sorrowful. But this feeling soon disappeared, mainly because Sui Hou Yu was eating so happily, Hou mo also felt that he had gotten a kind of spiritual satisfaction, as if he was also full. This is probably the fun of watching eating broadcasts?    Deng Yiheng, that is, the little brother who saved the girl, couldn't help muttering: "This kid is too capable of pretending, can he really eat so much?" Shen Junjing, the rogue brother, replied in a low voice: "This is not something to pretend. If I don't fast, I can eat more than him."    After Hou Yu walked out, the lady boss also walked over to Hou Mo and sighed: "This little girl is pretty and tall, but she's just too much of a foodie." All three of them looked at the lady boss with complicated eyes. Finally, Hou Mo reminded her: "Auntie, that's a boy." The lady boss was startled, and then asked in amazement: "Do men grow up so handsome nowadays? They are now getting more handsome than you." Hou Mo did not approve of this sentence, and replied: "Did I bring you just six dishes? Don't you think my face is better than a normal male handsome?" The lady boss laughed heartily: "Yes, our Hou Mo is the most handsome."    Hou Mo dared to say that, on one hand because he was stinky and shameless, and on the other because he did look good. Hou Mo has not been in the same skin tone as other children since he was a child. Here, warm and white skin was common, Hou Mo's skin is a rare cold light white, one degree whiter than ordinary people with fair skin. It seems that he was born with a little melanin, and his hair, eyebrows, and irises are not black, but linen-brown.    Fluffy short flax hair with light-colored eyes, like a cat, when looking at people, his eyes are light and fluttering, as if he doesn't care about anything. He is always smiling, but there is no smile in his eyes, which is probably due to his naturally smiling eyes. In addition, he has a sharp cut face, a high nose bridge and deep eyes, and his face is full of three-dimensionality. He is often asked if he is a minority or mixed race. In fact, he really doesn't have the slightest pedigree in this area. The three generations of his grandparents are all Northeast people. Hou Mo and the three of them walked out of the restaurant and sat on the table near the restaurant, watching the night sky. The cool breeze at night brings a scent of nature.⁵ Living in this paradise-like place is just a little more comfortable at this time. At this moment, the silence was broken, and Hou Mo received a video call from the coach. He took a deep breath and connected, and heard the coach yell: "I can see how much you are relaxing! Run at night if you don't want to run during the day! Even during summer vacation, training can't be left off!"    Hou Mo has a good attitude. He's ver clever and quickly made an "OK" gesture toward the camera: "Yeah, yeah." "Don't think of running round and round to fool me, I want to see your different steps change, and run seperately. After I get home, I will use the APP and the video will be stretched for me to see!" Hou Mo cleared his throat and replied with a smile: "Okay." He hung up the video call, and the three people wailed at the same time, the physical education students who took online classes were definitely the most embarrassing existence.    Hou Mo and others walked to the stadium. This is the biggest sports venue in their neighborhood. The middle field was originally a football field, but it was occupied by square dance teams all the year round. Although the running track around is a little mottled due to improper care, it is also a good running venue. When the three of them were warming up, they saw a familiar figure- Hou Yu had just ran past them.    The three people looked at each other. Deng Yiheng couldn’t help asking, “What’s the matter with this stuff? Didn’t he run away right after eating? Aren’t you afraid of a sagging stomach? This is the standard way after eating too much, right?” Shen Junjing shook his head and muttered: "I guess it took him 20 minutes to get here. If he is not familiar with the nearby roads, it will take forty minutes to get to here. I guess he has just arrived."    Deng Yiheng nodded: "Yes, he came with his suitcase today, I guess he just arrived here." Shen Junjing: "He is also an athlete?" Deng Yiheng remembered how this kid was when he was beating people, and agreed to this speculation: "Maybe he was practicing Sanda.⁶ I really can see it. He was so skinny, so he was able to fight."    After Hou Mo finished warming up, he ran towards the track and followed Sui Hou Yu. The distance between the two was not too close. Hou Mo had not yet surpassed, and no one has stopped, and they continued for ten laps together.      *    When Hou Yu returned to the guest house, he felt bored and uncomfortable. After playing the game for a while, he got bored. He got up and did the house cleaning. In fact, this type of homestay is expensive, but it has other benefits, such as toiletries, toilet paper, etc., are provided by the homeowner. As Hou Yu lived with his family for a long time, the homeowner simply sent him a new set. Utilities and electricity bills are also borne by the homeowner.    There is also a cleaning staff coming every day, so he doesn't need to clean up. But he just can’t be idle.    After finishing packing, Hou Yu pinched his waist and looked at the room, as if there was nothing else to do. He sat down on the sofa forcibly suppressing his irritability, ate two pieces of gum, put his hands on his legs, but opened and clenched restlessly. In the end, he still couldn't hold back, walked out the door, and started running up and down the stairs.    This unfamiliar environment made him feel uneasy. Anxiety can aggravate anxiety even more. He wanted to vent, but he couldn't think of a good way for a while.    The soundproofing here is average, and his running back and forth like this still alarmed the neighbors. One of the apartments opened the door, and the person looked out from the crack in the door, and happened to directly face Sui Hou Yu who was going upstairs. It was actually Hou Mo.    Hou Mo was also startled when he saw Sui Hou Yu, then he laughed and asked, "What are you doing?" "My treadmill will arrive tomorrow." After Hou Yu said this, he continued running. Hou Mo leaned out while holding the doorknob, only to see the AJ sneakers upstairs in the stairwell, so he returned to the door and explained to his mother: "Someone is running." Hou's mother is still gentle, smiling and saying: "Well, I see, I'm going to rest, and you should go to bed earlier."    Hou Mo helped his mother back to the room before quitting and returning to his room. He turned on the computer and looked at the computer screen and hesitated for a while, then typed a few words in the search box: ADHD. He has watched Sui Hou Yu fight and watched him eat, and found that Sui Hou Yu endured very well, but there were always some anxious little movements, and he couldn't help but be a little curious. After the comparison, he felt that Sui Hou Yu might not have ADHD.    Then, he saw other keywords in the related entry: mania. He clicked and looked at it, and then looked at the introduction on Baidu Encyclopedia: Feeling proud about himself, such as feeling that the mind is particularly flexible, or the body is particularly healthy, or particularly energetic; sleep less, and not tired; increased activity, or extreme excitement; recklessness and reckless behavior, or adventurous; obvious hypersexuality.⁷ Hou Mo looked at the page, touched his chin subconsciously, and couldn't help but sigh: "Good physical strength, strong desire, this is a perfect match." The author has something to say: The last part is copied from Baidu Baike, and Baidu Baike's style also reflected in the paragraph. [The age setting in this book is to be able to fall in love.] [There are indeed Chinese who are born with light-colored hair and light-colored pupils. There are examples in reality, but the ratio is very low, and there is no shortage of nutrition. Don't worry. (The latter is a copy) Chinese people occasionally have red hair, but they are not necessarily "hybrid", because Chinese people have had red hair since ancient times. Liu Tang, the "red-haired ghost" in "Water Margin", He got this nickname because of his red hair.]


¹ I wasn't sure what it exactly meant and it apparently means circumcision… Tying the string together here means marriage/engagement(like the red string of fate thing) ² Xiao 小 means little and is often used as a term of endearment and/or used with familiar people. ³It means they've come here the third time this summer ⁴Yuanjia means a fate foe and is often used in dramas and soap operas when talking about your soulmate ⁵ I'm not sure what's the correct word but the kind of scent you'd smell in forests of areas with lots of trees. ⁶ Sanda, also called sanshou is a Chinese Kickboxing sport. ⁷ Baidu Baike is a kind of dictionary/google

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