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  • Writer's pictureLia playz


The turbulence caused Ling Yi’s tense nerves to burst out, and he instantly grabbed Lin’s wrist, twisted it back sharply, and bounced his knees, hitting Lin Si's thigh accurately, and then pressed down with the other hand to control Lin Si, pressing on the ground.

   He was so powerful that Lin Si clearly heard the sound of his right arm being dislocated.

  He made a small noise and endured the sudden burst of pain.

   Fortunately, the turmoil lasted only a short while, and then subsided after ten seconds.

   Other people who had been paying attention to the situation inside immediately rushed to here when they saw this, and blurted out: "Dr. Lin!"

   Lin Si saw them from his peripheral vision: "..."

  ——It's normal to hold an anesthesia/gun and a scalpel, but two guys got in there and couldn't find them, so they had to copy the beaker holder.

   "Don't come over, stand back." He said lightly.

   The children looked at him hesitantly, and then at Ling Yi.

Lin Si clearly felt Ling Yi's strength increase again.

   The severe pain from the shoulder joint made Lin tremble, and he tried his best to keep his voice steady: "Get back, get out of the room, I can deal with it."

   They backed out, leaving behind one holding an anesthesia/gun, aiming at Ling Yi from a hidden angle at all times.

   "Don't be afraid." Lin Si took a breath and relaxed his tight body from the pain: "We are your companions."

   Since it can make such standard fighting moves, it means that some physical memory is still retained, so it is impossible to completely lose his mind.

   Lin Si crossed his chest with his uninjured left hand, sighed that Ling Yi twisted the hand of his arm and patted it lightly.

   "Hey, let me go, Ling Yi, Ling.. Ling..."

   The force on his arm is a little weaker.

   Lin Si grabbed his hand and gently moved it away. Fortunately, Ling Yi did not resist. Lin Si finally stopped being restrained by him, stood up, and continued the previous approach.

   Ling Yi's vigilance disappeared, but those beautiful eyes were still fixed on Lin Si.

"Come with me, I'll take you for an examination." Lin Si said to Ling Yi in the gentlest tone he could use, coaxing the child.

   But the next moment when there was a hint of hesitation, Ling Yi frowned suddenly, his face lost blood, and his whole body trembled violently.

   He could not stand and his legs stopped supporting him, he fell forward and was hit by Lin Si's arms.

   Lin Si immediately felt his violent tremors, and stretched his left hand to his neck, the pulse beating very violently, far exceeding the maximum pulse rate of the human body under any circumstances.

   He held Ling Yi and patted him on the back.

   Ling Yi tightened his arms, closing his eyes tightly, his long and thick eyelashes were shaking, and his head was desperately buried in Lin's chest.

   He finally pronounced the first syllable of a human language.

   "It hurts..."

Now there is no need for Lin Si to give any orders. The children spontaneously divided into two to drag people, and the other went to the laboratory to turn on the physical examination equipment— Seth was going to prepare the treatment device. After all, Lin Si broke an arm. It's not much better.

Seth helped Lin Si deal with the right arm, while Lin Si focused on the various data of Ling Yi's body on the light screen.

   "Subversive mutation, ready to sample and analyze," Lin Si pressed his temple, "The adaptation reaction is also very intense, I hope he can survive."

   A few young people have not participated in Lin Si’s project before, and now they have applied for information from Lucia, and they are working on the follow-up operation of the human genetic mutation experiment-it seems very reliable.

   Lin handed over the matter to them to check the state of the spacecraft.

Lucia, as a system under test, has not had time to perform complex navigational environment exercises, but she has shown excellent navigation ability. It relies on gravitational field and angular momentum to analyze the structure of black holes. The spacecraft has been maintained except for occasional turbulence. It was moving steadily.

   Three days have passed. While the sailing is steady, Ling Yi's condition is very bad.

   His body hasn't changed much from the outside, with beautiful facial features, juvenile figure, beautiful lines looming in his muscles— but the inside is almost earth-shaking.

   Lin Si got the results of today's examination, frowned slightly, and handed it to Seth: "Look and see."

One of Seth’s professional direction is anthropology. After reading a few pages back and forth, and comparing the results of the previous Lin's experiments, he frowned: "Don't talk about tissues, even cell morphology. In the process of change, it is difficult for him to be considered a human in a strict sense."

   Ling Yi had been sleeping all the time, his body was constantly changing, and at the same time a strong adaptive response had appeared. He has reached the point of organ failure several times, but in the end he miraculously takes his life back.

  His body is also very sensitive to foreign objects. The injections used to relieve the adaptation reaction can't do anything at all, and even cause more violent reactions— not even the nutrient solution for life.

   "Vitality is very strong," Lin Si stood by the bed, the corners of his lips arched slightly, "Its just if he doesn't wake up again, I'm afraid be will starve to death."

   He patted that delicate little face: "It's dinnertime."

   Ling Yi's eyelashes shook and he slowly opened his eyes.

  Seth chanted, "Master Wizard is magical, Master Wizard is terrible."

Ling Yi was much calmer than when he first awakened. However, the next moment he saw Lin Si, he immediately stretched up vigilantly, and quickly moved away from him. He sat up, holding the quilt, and sticking to the side of the bed towards the wall.

Lin Si looked at this little thing lying on his bed, wearing his own clothes, and staring at him looking hostile and scared. He gave a "tsk" and asked Seth: "The state is not right, what's wrong with him?"

   "If you analyze it with animality, he may associate the pain that caused him to go into coma with contact with you."

   Lin Si gave a bad smile.

   He took out a tube of edible nutrients, pulled out the mouthpiece, put the mouthpiece into his mouth under Ling Yi's eyes, took a few sips with the tube, and then said to Ling, "Hungry?"

   He didn’t know if Ling Yi understands it, but at least he can tell from Lin Si’s gesture that it’s an act of eating, and his eyes immediately stick to the nutrients— it stands to reason that he is very hungry now.

   After some psychological struggle, he opened his mouth and accepted the straw that Lin Si handed.

The bright red and soft lips gripped the transparent tube, and the white nutrient solution was sucked in.

  —but in the next moment, even the straw with nutrient solution was spit out.

   Ling Yi's face looked very bad, coughed a few times, then retched several times, and his face was pale.

   Lin Si raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong with him again?"

   Seth's expression was serious: "Doctor, I don't think this is a physiological reaction. For people who are used to living on the earth, the nutrients are indeed extremely awful and unacceptable. I guess he will think you are going to poison him."

   Lin Si: "...huh."

   He saw that pretty little thing raised his head and looked at Lin Si viciously, his eyes were flushed with anger.

The author has something to say:

The cutie who dismantled the sleeping cabin with bare hands

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1 Comment

Sep 29, 2021

Ling Yi is indeed a cutie. The author's note is so hilarious 🤣

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