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  • Writer's picturearuwu0103

Chapter 19

Trek (1)    On this day, hundreds of silver shuttles flew out from the main body of the Voyager and circled over the planet.       The deep space command post issued orders one by one, and they formed an almost perfect circle in the order of formation.       Each silver shuttle carries a large amount of "dome" liquid.       When many people hear the name and purpose of the "dome", they think it is a solid material, but it is actually the opposite.       Many of its functions are simply impossible for solid materials-such as filtration, oxygen absorption, biochemical reactions, self-repair and renewal.    The site was selected in a basin near the North Pole in the northern hemisphere. Although it is also hot and dry, it is much better than the equator. The water vapor content is also slightly increased. More importantly, in the basin surrounded by mountains, sandstorms The intensity is significantly reduced.       The shuttles were in their respective positions, and the main body of the voyager slowly approached the low altitude. After a buzzing sound, the force field was activated, and the invisible force caused the wind and sand in this area to completely stop. Under the "Start" instruction from the Deep Space Command, the special jetting device at the tail of the shuttle was turned on, and the light green liquid stream was placed vertically down and onto the already laid foundation. Then, the shuttle moved and the trajectories were mutually moving staggeringly. Seen from a distance, they each hold a pair of light green silk and satin intertwined together, as if they are spinning.    When the "dome" liquid meets its own kind, it immediately merges like a drop of mercury meets another drop of mercury. After one round of operation, the jetting device is closed, and the liquid web interwoven with warp and weft shows amazing physics. They expand quickly and fill the gaps, and the surface tension makes it a thin semicircular bubble film, perfect in shape, like a pale green soap bubble, shining brightly under the stellar light.    Afterwards, the second round of spraying began, which increased its thickness a lot.      This kind of spraying was carried out for a total of six rounds, and finally the protective film was stabilized at a thickness of 0.4 meters, and it slowly solidified, and finally turned into a jelly-like soft semi-solid with elasticity. After a few days of filtering, the air inside the protective film will become suitable for human survival, and it can also resist the attack of wind and sand-absorbing sand particles, and then depositing them to the bottom for discharge, which is regularly cleaned by robots.       The first human creation appeared on this barren planet. It is not large, with a diameter of only ten kilometers, which is insignificant compared with the human cities on the earth.       But no one can deny that it is a miracle—and as time goes by and the population grows, there will be more and more bases like this to protect the people in them. At this moment, all the military pilots on the shuttle, as well as the people looking at the distance on the Voyager, couldn't help but cheer.       The Voyager hull continued to sink, and finally hovered in the air one kilometer above the ground. The huge black hull blocked the dazzling star light.       The Flying Shuttle became a landing ship, cutting entrances and exits on the "dome", and the second area full of supplies separated from the main body and drove into the base.       "Weng——"       A distant buzzing sounded, and the light blue light flashed in the sky.       This is when the voyager turned on microwave power to the base.    Nuclear fusion reactors continuously generate a steady stream of energy, which is converted into electricity, which spreads over the entire base in the form of microwaves, so that all machines equipped with microwave receivers can operate normally, without connecting to a power source or charging.       The construction of the human base has begun.       People who are full of joy began to call the stars here as "the sun" —this term always makes people look forward to it, because if the sun can rise every day, then a hopeful tomorrow will always come. Since Lin Si took Ling Yi to watch the sunrise once by the porthole, the little guy has developed the habit of waiting for the sun to come out every day.    The dark-brown sky at night gradually turned grayish yellow, and then, a wisp of bright light smoke would rise on the horizon, revealing all the outlines of the clouds, and finally break through the thick yellow clouds and rise to the sky. The air suddenly became clear and bright. The crimson mountains and rocks gleamed.      ——Then put it all into a pair of beautiful black eyes.       He saw it for nearly three years.       "Ling Yi, let's go."       Svena leaned against the dome wall and looked at Ling Yi with arms folded.       Three years of time may not be a big deal to a woman like her who has matured and is in her prime. She is still beautiful and heroic, full of charm.       Ling Yi is different.    Adults resist time, while children chase time. While time takes the good things away from the aging people, it will give them to children and teenagers. If this theory holds true, then Ling Yi may have gotten them. Time has a special preference. The outline of his facial features is completely stretched out, still so beautiful, but it adds a lot of boyishness. His long black hair is no longer draped behind his shoulders like when he was a child, but neatly tied up, and a few strands of shreds fell on his forehead. There is a bit of mischievous youth-especially when the thin corners of the lips are curled up.       Svena saw the little smile at the corner of his mouth, she couldn't help but was taken to smile: "Baby, what are you laughing at?"    Ling Yi watched the glorious dawn across the "dome". The golden sunlight was refracted by the light green barrier and rendered each other. The reflections of the clouds also wandered in the semi-fluid dome, presenting a magnificent and magnificent strangeness intertwined with gold and green scenes.       Ling Yi : "Don't you think it is very beautiful?"       "I have watched enough." Svena's army boots kicked the stone on the ground, "Today is our patrol again-life is so plain, only you are so happy." She shrugged: "You are nothing like the kid Lin should teach."       Ling Yi tilted his head: "What kind of child should he teach?"    "The little devil in the wizard's house should look like this." Svena lifted her hair behind her ears and walked forward blankly, pressing her right hand on the gun, pulling it out, raising her hand, and shooting the gun. She lowered her mouth, pointed at Ling Yi, her eyes were cold and hollow, and she tilted her head stiffly. Ling Yi smiled: "It seems to be really cool."    Svena put down the gun, put away her pretend expression, and smiled very happily: "That's right, and you are like a child who has been held and spoiled since childhood-only such a child loves the world so much. ."       Ling Yi blinked: "But this is how I was raised."       Svena didn't believe it, she curled her lips, and buckled the gun back to her waist: "Let's go."       Ling Yi picked up the black military cap placed aside and buttoned it on his head.    He has grown a lot taller in the past three years, with a slender and straight figure, handsome facial features, and those charming eyes that always look tender because of their shape and expression, plus the embellishment of black military uniform—like in summer, the young lover who came out of a girl's beautiful dream. The military uniform is mainly black. The brim, collar and rotator sleeves are rolled with silver edges, narrow sleeves, waistband, and boots. The cap badge is a silver sail, symbolizing the ship sailing in the endless ocean—— Although the Voyager has now anchored in this red harbor, this emblem has always been like this, and no one has ever proposed a change.       The place where he and Svena are heading is a gray steel city. This is a gift from the iron-rich planet. The builders never need to worry about the lack of steel bars, and can even use steel as the main body of the building.       The sky hasn't been bright yet, and the scattered buildings are sparsely lit with lights, and there is a kind of quiet depression. The first batch of resurrected frozen bodies are still outstanding scientists. Compared with the deployment of scientific research personnel centered on physics, mathematics and biology during the voyage, there are many outstanding geologists and geographers on the ground. They work every day. Committed to studying the structure of the planet, improving the harsh environment, and even having no time for recreation.       As Svena said, life is so plain, not good, and not bad—routine patrols, daily training, because there are few residents, there is no need to worry about public security issues. The police in the most peaceful city on the planet still have to deal with some petty thefts every day, and they don’t have to-living supplies are coordinated and equipped by the second district, and the quantity after strict calculation can fully meet personal needs. There is no currency. Naturally, there is no difference between poverty and wealth. The Russian female officer was now bored, her eyes swept across the dawn city, and she sighed slightly.       And Ling Yi could not see any negativity or depression, he looked at every corner of the city seriously, and then greeted the sir or madam who happened upon him on the road.       "Good morning, Mrs. Casalan."       "Good morning, my little angel." The lady responded warmly to his greeting.       Ling Yi frowned, and there was a little childishness in his expression: "I will be an adult soon, madam, not a little angel."       Mrs. Casalan was amused by him, and said happily: "You will always be our baby."    After the greetings, she asked, "How is Lin? I haven't seen him for a long time."    The ordinary life often makes people want to talk and talk urgently. This lady said, she immediately continued: "Ling Yi, you probably don’t know yet, Lin’s teacher Ye Selin is my best friend, if you see when you get to him, you must convey to him the greetings of an elder on my behalf."    "Okay, ma'am." Ling Yi came down, and then said: "Lin Si is doing a mechanical exoskeleton project on the Voyager. It takes a long time to come to the ground once. I will tell you when he comes." Mrs. Casalan once again praised how much Ling Yi was so likable, and then she went away.    "The trouble-free teenage years, uh... it's really enviable." Svena lazily turned her head and looked at Ling Yi. If there is a set of green foxtail growing on the side of the road at this moment, she will definitely pull it out. Crouch down, take it into her mouth.       "I have troubles too." In the young people's clear and clear eyes, a faint melancholy appeared at this moment.       "Let's talk about it?" Svena was interested.       Ling Yi looked back at the road when they came. At the end of the street is the rising sun, and beside the sun, the silhouette of the "voyager" looming in the clouds.       Svena found that this angle was very subtle. She could say that Ling Yi was watching the sunrise every day, or he could say that he was looking at the Voyager in the distance every day.       "I miss Lin Si so much..." Ling Yi lowered his eyes, his voice lowered a bit, with a nasal noise that made him cry.       His thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and anyone who saw him couldn't help but want to kiss him softly to soothe his depression.       "Okay," Svena shrugged, "a lover's cat." The author has something to say: Today is the home of the big baby~ Yesterday someone did not update qwq, which day will be enough to save the manuscript, double update.

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