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  • Writer's picturearuwu0103


Towards the raging agni lava (3)    "Xiao Lingyi, you're here." The colonel in the cockpit easily heard the footsteps of Ling Yi walking in—steadier than ordinary people, but much lighter.       After he said hello, he continued to adjust the parameters of the cockpit, and muttered: "What's the matter? Before, other teams had to be equipped with professional scientific expedition teams when they landed. Why didn't they give us this time?"    Colonel felt that he had been targeted, and he was very upset.       But the next moment he heard another person's footsteps, and when he turned his head, Lin Si said calmly: "I heard... you want a scientific expedition team?"       "No, no, with Dr. Lin, who wants a scientific expedition team." The colonel waved his hand again and again.       The in-cabin broadcast began, and Svena’s voice came: "This is the deep space command post. This is Svena. Everyone is ready. Please confirm that the signal transmission system is normal."    Colonel pressed to confirm.       On the side of the Voyager hull, the landing door slowly opened, and then extended a nearly thousand-meter take-off and landing slope. More than a dozen silver-white shuttle-shaped spacecraft slid down one by one, the nuclear-powered engine turned on, and the tail glowed blue light. The engine was gradually pushed to the maximum, and the one who was in the lead broke off the take-off and landing slope first, and flew smoothly into the pale yellow atmosphere, pulling out a silver-blue tail.       The remaining spacecraft also entered independent flight in turn. They lined up in the air, then spread out in all directions, flying to their respective pre-arranged areas.       These small spaceships are limited in size and materials, do not have a curvature engine, and cannot fly faster than light, let alone open up subspace, but they are far more flexible than the Voyager body, so they are only used to explore planets.      Exploring planets is often carried out for voyagers, because it needs to extract resources from various planets, but this time is different. It is a comprehensive survey of settled planets, which is much more cautious than simply mining minerals.      The spacecraft landed from deep space and entered level flight at high altitude. The crimson planet was constantly zooming out of the porthole, and the arc-shaped horizon unfolded in front of them.    Colonel whistled: "After so many years in space, I finally saw land." "Spacecraft One is in place."       "Number four is in place."       One after another, other ships confirmed their positions.       "Received," Svena's voice sounded, "Release the satellite."       The side doors of the spacecraft opened, and each released a small satellite. With the diameter of this planet, nine satellites can completely cover it. They make a hum, start to work, and transmit the picture to the deep space command post in real time, where the signal is converted and sent to farther voyagers.       "Sit down, and go straight down." After releasing the satellite, the colonel excitedly manipulated the spacecraft, and a strong sense of weightlessness came—the small spacecraft was not equipped with a gravity simulation system.       Lin Si grabbed Ling Yi from the porthole and looked ahead to prevent him from falling.       The endless crimson earth gradually became clear.       The strong wind lifted up sand and dust, constantly shaping the landform of this planet. The spacecraft completed its descent and quickly passed by at low altitude. As far as the eye can see, the valley is silent, ravines are vertical and horizontal, and deep mountain folds are everywhere.       Ling Yi opened his eyes wide and looked at him without blinking.       This is a magnificent and vast beauty for him who has only seen mechanical walls since he can remember--it is true that the star sea is vast and beautiful, but it is not as tangible as the land after all.       The scenes in the area where the other spaceships are located are also recorded by the camera, and they are juxtaposed on the light curtain. They are all such scenes, but the terrain is slightly different.    Colonel looked at the images and said in confusion, "Doctor, I don't think it's right." Lin Si: "What's wrong?"       "There are only mountains, or all sandstorms. There is no sea and no water. Can this live in?"       Ling Yi looked at the colonel triumphantly: "Lin's dome can collect water."       "Most planets don't have liquid water." Lin said to the colonel while typing something on the virtual keyboard, "The star radiation here is very strong, almost only the two poles have solid water."       Colonel scratched his head: "Is the water still solid?"       Lin Si: "Ice."       Colonel said "Ah" and said, "Doctor, can't you just tell me in plain words for the first time?"       Lin Si pushed his glasses: "No, it's not in my habit."      -Lin's habit is very obvious, anyone who has been in contact can see it.       Rigorous, precise, without any mistakes.    Colonel: "......"      Ling Yi was very happy to see that the colonel was annoyed at Lin Si like himself. However, the little guy knew that as long as he rolled into Lin’s arms and asked again, his attitude would naturally become gentle and explain it in words he could understand. Unfortunately, the colonel is too big, Lin Si would definitely not like him in his arms.      ——But a new problem arises, I will grow taller sooner or later!       Ling Yi decided to eat less in the future.       On the other side, the colonel is still asking Lin Si: "We can't find a planet similar to the earth, do we have to settle in such a place?"       "Colonel, I suggest you think about it," Lin Si said. "If there is a better choice, would we still be here?"       "With so many planets, is there no better one?"       "That's the truth, Colonel, the brain is a very important thing. I remember that I modified your neural response speed. Didn't this improve your intelligence a little bit?" Lin Si said coldly.       "I said--Doctor, there is one thing I wanted to say for a long time." The colonel said.    "Say." "Did you get corrupt in the past few years?" The colonel asked seriously, "When I was serving on the earth, there was no pastime in the army. I played interview videos all day long. You talked in a gentle and beautiful way. Why? Don't speak human words anymore?"       "I am satisfied with my character." Lin Si was expressionless.    Colonel was very sad and sighed heavily.       Ling Yi raised his ears as soon as he heard the colonel mention Lin Si was on the earth, but it was a pity that they did not continue the topic.       "The environment here is really bad."       "Colonel, you should be thankful that we didn't find a second earth, otherwise you should be sniping alien creatures on the front line now."       "We used nuclear weapons to explode them."       "The energy utilization rate of thermonuclear weapons is 7%. As long as the weapons they hold are one percentage point higher than our utilization rate, it is an overwhelming advantage." Lin Si slowly attacked the colonel's desire to fight.       Colonel refused to continue discussing this topic with Lin: "Doctor, your idea is dangerous, it's too pessimistic."       Lin Si: "I'm very optimistic." ——Can't do any better!   ——How can I talk to Lin!       He turned to Ling Yi: "Xiao Lingling, how did you stand Lin Si?"       Ling Yi curled his eyes and smiled without speaking.       Lin Si was smiling but not smiling.       Most places in the universe are dead. The conditions for life are too harsh after all, and the probability of birth is extremely small. This barren planet does not appear to be the most worrying phenomenon-the existence of extraterrestrial life.       Lin Si sent a message to Svena: "You can log in."       The deep space command post issued a landing order, the sailing engine was turned off, and the spacecraft slowly slipped to the ground. The team members put on protective equipment and prepared to land.       Colonel took a set of equipment to Ling Yi: "Doctor stay on the ship, Ling Ling is with us."       Lin Si said: "He doesn't need equipment for the time being."       Colonel thought Lin Si was going to toss him.       As expected, Lin Si walked to the hatch: "Come with me."       Ling Yi followed.   Colonel: "......" The cabin door opened slowly, the sun was blazing outside, and the hot and oxygen-free air rushed in, making people's chest stuffy, and the respiratory tract seemed to be burning.       Lin Si frowned slightly—the environment here is indeed very harsh.       Not only that, the planet's gravity is only 73% of the earth's gravity coefficient, which will also have a certain impact on people.       Colonel has eyesight and quick hands. Seeing that Lin Si's complexion is not good, he puts on a breathing mask on him.      ——If this person is broken, they can’t afford it.       Lin Si took a few breaths of gas with normal oxygen, and took a moment to relax. Then he took off the breathing mask and asked Ling Yi: "Is it acceptable?"       Ling Yi nodded: "It's a little uncomfortable, it's okay."      The team members wear protective equipment and breathing masks, and prepare to place various detection instruments on the planet's surface to collect soil samples.       Lin Si said to Ling: "I put a surveillance film on you, and when you can't stand it, put on the equipment." Ling Yi looked around eagerly: "Yeah."      ——The little thing can’t wait to step on the land.       Lin Si smiled and rubbed his hair: "Follow the colonel."       Ling Yi nodded, walked to the edge of the hatch, looked at the ground below, jumped down, walked a few steps on the ground in surprise, turned back and beckoned to Lin Si, eyes bright.       Saying goodbye to the little guy, after closing the hatch, Lin Si returned to the cockpit, and the light curtain in front of him showed the parameters of Ling Yi's body at this time.      Exposure to thin oxygen, extremely dry air, and extremely high temperature is a test of various functions, especially heart and lung function.       Ordinary people can't survive in this environment, only Ling Yi may be the exception.       In order to create a normal environment, the strength of the protective cover "dome" needs to be further increased, which is difficult to achieve technically and theoretically.       If the strength of the human body can be increased, it may only take a little bit, and then it can be extended to most people...       Lin Si looked at the beating parameters on the light curtain.      —he still can't let go of the limitless plan.

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