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  • Writer's pictureLia playz


Updated: Jun 22, 2021

Lin Si stepped off the dissection platform and looked around the mess in the hall.

  The experimental liquid container full of the room shattered and flowed all over the floor, with many pieces of tissue floating.

   "Other laboratories have also been completely destroyed, and there are many precious samples brought from the earth, which can no longer be obtained." The child's mood was very depressed, "It's a pity."

   Another patted him on the shoulder: "Fortunately, the 3D model backup will not be broken, but it is useless-we are all dead anyway."

Inside and outside the black hole horizon are two unrelated worlds. Inside the horizon, the space-time curvature is huge, and the escape speed is much faster than the speed of light. After entering, it is impossible for light to escape, and the spacecraft will be immediately elongated by all kinds of incredible strange physical properties. Torn, destroyed.

   Lin Si sat in the armchair in front of the panel, crossed his fingers, looked at the data, and narrowed his eyes.

   He asked: "Who of you understands basic physics?"

   The child who just spoke raised his hand: "I have studied biomechanics."

   Lin Si's lips quirked up into a half-smile: "Everyone here has studied biomechanics.

The sixth zone is the biochemical zone. Obviously, their knowledge of physics is very scarce—maybe only at the level of college physics in higher education.

  With them as a comparison, Lin Si felt that he could be called a physicist.

He looked at Lucia’s calculation results and said: "We entered a strange rotating black hole, so we were not destroyed immediately. If we can continue to sail, there is a very small possibility of escaping from the white hole… so with the material of the spacecraft, it should be able to resist the attraction of the singularity."

The Voyager is a huge ship. It consists of nine areas, named as the first to ninth areas. The first, second, and third areas are the core areas, which are clustered in the center by other areas, and each area is It is an independent spacecraft, equipped with a curvature engine, and has the ability to independently navigate long distances between stars.

  The throwaway event is not the first time it has occurred. In the previous voyage crises, the "Voyager" has already thrown out the fourth and seventh areas in order to escape the dangerous area, and now it is the sixth area. The sixth area is centered on Lin Si’s project "limitless" and is one of the least populated areas on the ship.

  It is the area with the least number of people, yes— but it is definitely not an area suitable for being thrown.

   Someone is already muttering this.

"The sixth district has the fewest living people and the most robots. Although this way, the loss of personnel is the least, but our district has so many precious research results. Losing us is simply the loss of the entire existing science. It is too stupid."

"The first principle of interstellar voyage is to ensure the survival of personnel, which is understandable," Lin Si raised an eyebrow. "Although the sixth district has always been Marshal Sjoss' thorny eye, we still have to spare no effort to try to return to Marshal and Mrs. Chen. ."

He pondered for a while, and marked several locations on the star chart: "After the voyager leaves the black hole, it will inevitably enter the subspace flight. According to the flight plan, it will leave the subspace near the asteroid TN-III33876-87624 Cetus. Hovering for at least one month, during which we are in an observable state. If we can escape the black hole, we will immediately enter the subspace at the highest warp speed, head to TN-III, and meet the voyager."

  The child praised Lin Si: "Master Wizard, you are as magical as the rumors."

   Lin: "......"

   Wizard is his nickname-since one of his genetic modification experiments allowed food fish to grow two delicious legs.

   He pressed his eyebrows and said to Lucia: "Calculate the survival rate."

Lucia, as a super system with knowledge reserves and hard IQ exceeding the sum of all people here, uses powerful computing power to model various situations and gives the success rate of Lin Si's plan. Unfortunately, it is less than 3%.

   Lin Si expressionlessly gave the "execute now" command, and began to adjust the energy distribution of the spacecraft, lowering all the indexes of oxygen production, gravity, and temperature control systems.

   The children hugged in panic, and one of them asked: "Master Wizard, do we have enough energy to fly to the constellation Cetus?"

   Lin Si tapped the desk of the control panel with his fingers, and said, "Seth, I suggest you apply for a physics course from Lucia now."

   Lucia's voice sounded: "The sixth district has the ability to obtain energy from the impulse of the white hole."

   The children breathed a sigh of relief and the atmosphere became lively.

   Lin Si looked at them: "Before we escape the black hole, we must save energy as much as possible. I hope you can play a role...well, besides storing food."

  ——Suddenly not lively.

   Seth tried to explore: "What is the role other than the reserve grain?"

   Lin Si saw the thin silver-rimmed glasses on the table, reached out and put them on for himself.

The child began to show his hospitality: "Doctor, the latest therapeutic device in our laboratory can correct myopia within half an hour."

   "Doctor, the biological tissue repair technology in our laboratory——"

   Lucia said: "According to personality analysis, glasses are a symbolic object that will make Dr. Lin feel rigorous and help keep calm.

   Lin Si turned around in the chair and faced them with a smile that was not exactly a smile: "The role other than the food reserve...such as please me."

   He is good-looking, with thin lips and light color. When he is not smiling, he often has a kind of inhuman indifference. When he laughs, he is a bit evil. However, he has a perfect grasp of the scale of a smile, looking like a very gentle animal.

   The children are terrified.

   The horrified children exchanged the look of a victim of academic unspoken rules, worrying about their virginity.

   Lin Si folded his arms, glanced at them coldly, and motioned to the messy ground with his eyes: "Clean up here."

   The children’s virginity crisis was relieved, and they took a sigh of relief and began to diligently organize the laboratory.

"Almost all of them are inactivated." One of them used tweezers to grab many odd-shaped tissue fragments on the ground and put them under a microscope one by one. "There are also abnormal proliferations."

   "It's mutated," Dr. Lin said while adjusting the sailing parameters, "The radiation at the edge of the black hole is too strong and has no reference value, so we will deal with it all."

   The child responded, and said "It's a pity" rather regretfully, and then began to work quietly and methodically.

   After a while, someone suddenly said: "Um...Did you hear anything?"



   After they finished speaking, they held their breath together, the laboratory was silent, only the faint buzzing sound of the brain computer running too fast to dissipate heat.


   There was a slight voice suddenly in the silence, which seemed to come from a very far and deep place.

   Lin Si closed his eyes and listened for a while, frowned, got up from the chair, and walked to the side of the laboratory.

   Other people follow him step by step. The closer you get to the wall, the more clearly you can hear it.



It is the sound of percussion, coming and going rhythm in silence, making people's hearts chill.

   "Do...Doctor," the child was scared, "what's next door?"

   The harsh alarm sounded suddenly, the silence was broken, and the mechanical female voice spoke extremely fast.

   "Alarms, alarms, abnormal life signals detected. Signal source: No. 97 Abandoned Chamber of Biochemical No. 1 Storage Hall. Assessment Level: Extremely Dangerous, Extremely Dangerous, Extremely Dangerous." 

The author has something to say:

New plot~ Currently there are manuscripts deposited w

Soft science fiction, the science part is mostly nonsense, I can't believe it.

The update time is 6 o'clock in the morning every day.

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